Posts Tagged ‘Albemarle Road Presbyterian Church’

“It may be hard….

September 13, 2011

“It may be hard in the face of human suffering to believe in God, but dismissing God simply leaves you alone with your pain… a ghastly loneliness.”

 As our church family marked the tenth anniversary of 9-11 this past Sunday, I found encouragement in the above words. Some people were and are ready to completely dismiss God in the midst of the horror of 9-11. For me personally all of it would simply be unbearable to do so. I cling to Emmanuel – God with us as a drowning person would to a life-saver. God with us demonstrating the unfathomable truth: “Nothing can separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ.” No – it does not take away the pain – it doesn’t take away the questions. It does give me the strength to go forward in a world that without God would be a place of “ghastly loneliness.”

 Grace and Peace,

Pastor Ron


August 23, 2011

Folk hear me talk about the dramatic changes/reversals for the east Charlotte community where our church is located. I started on the same litany again this past week with a Presbyterian elder. I bemoaned the fact that there is such poverty – closed businesses – deteriorating housing all around us. AND HIS RESPONSE? “Just where Jesus would want to be!” I couldn’t argue the point – not biblically – not theologically. The hurting/needy world – just where Jesus IS and wants His church to be.

 Pray for the Albemarle Road Presbyterian Church (and all churches) that carpe diem – we seize the day!

 Grace and Peace,

 A fellow struggler – Ron

An Invitation I Really Like…..

March 7, 2011

Our Church welcomes………….

“…those who are single, twice divorced, under 30, filthy rich, black and proud, poor as dirt, can’t sing, no habla ingles, married with pets, older than God, more Catholic than the Pope, workaholic, bad speller, screaming babies, three times divorced, passive-aggressive, obsessive-compulsive, doubters, bleeding hearts…..and you.”

This welcome comes from St. Pius X Catholic Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Our denomination makes a big deal out of being inclusive, and for me, this welcome makes it specific. Albemarle Road Presbyterian Church is a church that welcomes all. We have a big sign out in front of the church….

Come Sing! Pray! Eat!

Anyone – Everyone –

And we post the times we meet – it is not kept secret.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Ron

Today is February 3rd

February 3, 2011

 ….and I am preparing to celebrate the Service of Witness to the Resurrection for Polly. Polly lived to be 98 years old . A little ‘wisp’ of a woman that a puff of wind could have blown away, I will miss her!

– Every Sunday coming out of worship she would give me a hug and kiss.

– Always – ALWAYS a smile and a kind word.

– She exuded contentment of one who was at peace.

Polly lived out the truth Martin Luther spoke of for she was a woman of faith –

…faith as a vibrant and courageous confidence in God’s grace. This faith makes people joyful, bold, and happy in their relationship with God and with other people.

Thank you Polly for such a life so lived. Dear Folk, we are surrounded by “a great cloud of witnesses” such as Polly. Be of good courage!

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Ron

January 18 and I AGREE…..

January 18, 2011

      With a quote from Steven Furtick, pastor of Elevation Church (here in Charlotte), which was shared with me over dinner with some of our church’s younger members. It is….

If you’ve fallen into the trap of church-hopping, let me encourage you: Embrace your place somewhere God can use you. At the end of your life, God is not going to be impressed or pleased that you saw what God was doing at ten different churches. God is going to be more pleased that you were a part of what God was doing at one church.

With this in mind I celebrate the many young/old and in-between who have embraced Albemarle Road Presbyterian Church as the place where God can use them for God’s glory.

Our place: A diverse church in a multi-cultural community where God is doing something new.

I Am Thankful,

Pastor Ron

It’s January 7, 2011 and………

January 7, 2011


           – so I read recently on the internet in an article that described baby-boomers (of which I am one) as being typically much more stressed and depressed in the current economic/social climate. But I am not depressed and I cannot complain about the level of stress in my life. Who in any age group is not experiencing some degree of stress? I am grateful for this ability to weather the storms of life economic and otherwise. Thankful to God as the One who gives this ability to me. Not based on our own merit, it is available to all who will place simple trust in the God who created us. Let us hold on to a promise of God….

                  “I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord….

                  plans to give you hope and a future.”

                                                                              Jeremiah 29:11

Tuesday, November 23

November 23, 2010

The postlude for this next Sunday, the First Sunday of Advent, will be….

                    Variations on the Christmas Classic:

                   “Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer!”

That’s what our esteemed organist emailed to the church office! We at ARPC are grateful to God for an organist…

– who has a great sense of humor.

-who loves the body of Christ – the church.

-who loves the Lord!

-who brings God-given gifts to enrich our worship across a broad spectrum of music!

But not quite so broad as to include “Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer!” – thank goodness!

All kidding aside – our ARPC family is grateful for our organist of 25++ years:

                                                      TIM BROWN!

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Ron

Friday, November 5 – and I am very EXCITED!

November 5, 2010

Excited over the gift that will be ours as a church as 19 Burmese children, three-years-old through 11th grade, will become a new part of the ARPC Sunday School. It will be great to see more children in the beautiful facilities God has blessed us with.

And listen to this: The Burmese Church has already identified non-Christian Burmese families to be in mission to. Their strategy to reach them begins with bringing these non-Christian children to ARPC’s Sunday School.

Yes, it’s more than just words that we hear every Sunday. We are where we are because there is something that God in Christ wants to do through us —-

                                              WHERE WE ARE!

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Ron

Pray! Sing! Eat!

October 14, 2010

So reads the big sign in front of our church inviting people to join us. Rev. Sam Marshall, General-Executive Presbyter of Salem Presbytery, commented on similar words….

 “Eat – Pray – Love, so begins the title of a popular movie, and while its contexts do not reflect our story accurately, the title itself is a wonderful summary of the Christian life. Ross McKenzie, a former professor at Union Presbyterian Seminary, observed that living the Eucharistic life, we are to accept what God gives us with thanksgiving and share with others. Eat – Pray – Love; in other words accept the good gifts and food we are given, pray in thanksgiving, and love others as we share.”

At ARPC we add one other thing: Sing! And our Praise Team and Chancel Choir so lead us.


 Great words for God’s people!

 Pastor Ron

He is a Barnabas…..

October 6, 2010

That is, he is truly an encourager – he probably isn’t aware of that – but he is. I’m speaking of an engineer-type fellow with whom I am in a Christian Believer group. He pointed out to us…..

–         The shortest Psalm in the Bible is 117, and it reads…

“Praise God, everybody!

Applaud God, all people!

His love has taken over our lives;

God’s faithful ways are eternal.

Hallelujah!”             (The Message)

 –         The verse that is at the very center of our Bible is Psalm 118:14. It reads…

 “My power and my strength come from the Lord, and He has saved me.”

 Such tremendously encouraging words for the journey! They were brought into focus for me by a 21st century Barnabas from the Great Encourager: God!

 Thank God for the Barnabases in our lives.

 Pastor Ron