Pray! Sing! Eat!

October 14, 2010

So reads the big sign in front of our church inviting people to join us. Rev. Sam Marshall, General-Executive Presbyter of Salem Presbytery, commented on similar words….

 “Eat – Pray – Love, so begins the title of a popular movie, and while its contexts do not reflect our story accurately, the title itself is a wonderful summary of the Christian life. Ross McKenzie, a former professor at Union Presbyterian Seminary, observed that living the Eucharistic life, we are to accept what God gives us with thanksgiving and share with others. Eat – Pray – Love; in other words accept the good gifts and food we are given, pray in thanksgiving, and love others as we share.”

At ARPC we add one other thing: Sing! And our Praise Team and Chancel Choir so lead us.


 Great words for God’s people!

 Pastor Ron

He is a Barnabas…..

October 6, 2010

That is, he is truly an encourager – he probably isn’t aware of that – but he is. I’m speaking of an engineer-type fellow with whom I am in a Christian Believer group. He pointed out to us…..

–         The shortest Psalm in the Bible is 117, and it reads…

“Praise God, everybody!

Applaud God, all people!

His love has taken over our lives;

God’s faithful ways are eternal.

Hallelujah!”             (The Message)

 –         The verse that is at the very center of our Bible is Psalm 118:14. It reads…

 “My power and my strength come from the Lord, and He has saved me.”

 Such tremendously encouraging words for the journey! They were brought into focus for me by a 21st century Barnabas from the Great Encourager: God!

 Thank God for the Barnabases in our lives.

 Pastor Ron


October 4, 2010

…..glimpses of the Kingdom of God that break into my routine and cause me to take a deep breath! I saw the global scope of this Kingdom this past Sunday during worship on World Communion. Diversity everywhere: color of skin, language, culture, music. All of this at 6740 Albemarle Road! The depth and breadth of God’s Kingdom! We are charged every Sunday to love East Charlotte and such experiences as this past Sunday help that to become a reality in my life.

 Grace and Peace,

Pastor Ron

August 23, and just thinking…….

August 23, 2010

It’s not entirely true. The teaching that someone shared from a visit to a church in our community:

‘the Jesus in me loves the Jesus in you.’

While I wouldn’t deny this, I know that my love for others also includes simply who another person is – in all their humanity. The imperfections, the personality quirks – the physical uniqueness of another. I believe God calls us to love all that. Perhaps some of the things we hear in church should be thought through a bit more (even what you might hear from me!)

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Ron

August 2

August 2, 2010

 And the news is not so good and good…….

 Not so good: I continue to be distressed and discouraged over actions taken by the PCUSA’s recent General Assembly. Issues continue to be elevated to first place that do not merit the energy and focus of our churches. The church I serve will be given opportunity to hear much more about this as one of the elders will be sharing/teaching about his experience at this assembly.

 Good/Great News: It’s great to be alive and know that we “live and move and have our being” in Jesus Christ. God is always good and has called us into relationship with many sisters and brothers in Christ. These relationships not only give us the opportunity to grow in love but also to receive love. This gift is better than home-grown tomatoes — and that is saying a lot!!!

 Grace and Peace,

Pastor Ron

June 16th – Summertime and the living is……

June 16, 2010


 This past Sunday (June 13th) was hot and humid and when I went out the sanctuary door after worship it enveloped me! But I’m not gonna complain for this is North Carolina and it is supposed to be hot. The rain + heat = Crepe Myrtles that take your breath away and tomatoes and watermelons, okra, peaches….!

God blesses us with diversity in all areas of life – doesn’t God? This incredible diversity includes the Christian community with people of every nation – ethnicity – color – language – personalities – political  – social – theological categories. It is cause to rejoice! For what if…..

                                      the only vegetable was cauliflower?

 Have a great summer,

 Pastor Ron


April 22, 2010

 Yesterday I visited Virginia and she didn’t know me even though I’ve been her pastor for 22 years. As we sat down in the sunroom, she began to lift her voice in song….

             “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want….”

 And then after a brief pause….

             “Oh, how I love Jesus, Oh, how I love Jesus…..”

 “Where did you learn those sings?” I asked. She replied “At home.” Virginia can hardly remember anything else, but she remembers the songs of faith taught to her during childhood. As we looked out the large windows, she would continually remark as to what a beautiful day it was and then she would sing again.

 God does put unending songs in our hearts that nothing can stop – even Alzheimer’s.

 Thanks be to God and keep singing!

 Pastor Ron

March 11 – The Daffodils are blooming!

March 11, 2010

 I watch for them every year and I was especially eager to see them after this particular winter. On March 21, the fifth Sunday in Lent, we will also observe “Daffodil Sunday.” This is celebrated in many parts of our country but not so much in the southeast. Sponsored by the American Cancer Society, it is a day to remember and pray for those battling cancer. This year we will have a large bouquet of Daffodils in front of the sanctuary (from Martie White’s yard!) We will ask people to come forward and take a flower in special recognition of someone they know who is fighting cancer. Holding these flowers we will sing and pray.

 I have always loved Daffodils and now I have even more reason! Let us never forget that as the body of Christ we always seek to join hands with all who are battling against those realities that diminish God’s gift of life.

 Grace, Peace and Daffodils to you,

 Pastor Ron

Friday – February 26… IT’S COLD and……

February 26, 2010

 I am ready for spring! And there are signs of this season to come. Around the church campus the green blades of daffodils have pierced through the soil. This has been a long, difficult winter for many people around our country. How much more then will we welcome the warmth and beauty of spring.

 Some folk are in a winter season of their lives at this time. We all have them! If that is where we are, let us keep in mind and heart the words of Natalie Sleeth:

 In the bulb, there is a flower,

In the seed, an apple tree;

In cocoons, a hidden promise;

Butterflies will soon be free!

In the cold and snow of winter

There’s a spring that waits to be,

Unrevealed until its season,

Something God alone can see.

Hang in there!

 Grace and Peace,

 Pastor Ron

It’s Monday (!) February 15……

February 15, 2010

 Our ARPC family enjoyed a wonderful experience of worship yesterday – Valentine’s Day! We celebrated the steadfast love of the Lord which is the foundation of Hebrew-Christian faith. One of the children’s classes brought a Valentine for me during the Children’s Time of the worship hour. It reads “Jesus loves Rev. Ron.” I have it hanging on my office/study door for everyone to see.

The evening hours found our church family together for our annual Congregational Meeting. The Choir provided great food – the Praise Team, exuberant music; and there was superb leadership by our Business Administration Committee. The attendance was excellent!

I am privileged to serve a truly blessed congregation that strives to live and share the steadfast love of God.

 Happy Valentine’s!

 Rev. Ron