Archive for March, 2013

I / We must be people of “The Book”….

March 6, 2013

The day I am writing this is Monday, March 4, and I just listened to a brother in Christ share his moving experience of God in his life. His testimony was immersed in scripture. It was the context of which he understood (could see) how God was at work in his life. Like most of us, his life as a Christ-follower had great joy but also valleys of great difficulty. He brought before me key verses for him…

“My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, and do not lose heart when God rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines those He loves, and God punishes everyone He accepts as a son.”  (Hebrews 4)

How I / we need to hear this Word from God! It is indeed a “light unto our paths” for it calls us to the One who is the living Word – Jesus Christ – God with us! I want to become more and more at home in this Word and I pray that God will rekindle in me and the church I am privileged to serve a great love for this Word. And that it be a love lived out in transformed servant lives to God’s greater glory.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Ron