Archive for May, 2012

Charles W. Colson 1931-2012

May 4, 2012

“One of the most wonderful things about being a Christian is that I don’t ever get up in the morning and wonder if what I do matters. I live every day to the fullest because I can live it through Christ and I know no matter what I do today, I’m going to do something to advance the Kingdom of God.”        

                                                                                                                   – Charles Colson

Our ARPC family remembers with gratitude the life of Charles W. Colson. Mr. Colson, known for his role in the 1972 Watergate scandal and subsequent imprisonment, gave his life to Jesus Christ while in prison. He founded Prison Fellowship International, one of the world’s largest outreaches to prisoners and their families. Winner of the Templeton Prize for progress in religion, he devoted his life to serving Jesus Christ with evangelistic passion and razor-like acuity.