Saturday, January 28th….


 So read an article in The Charlotte Observer. With over 40,000 Christian denominations in existence, hardly anyone thinks we need yet another one. My understanding is that even the folks whom this article is about do not want one! However, many of these folks and many elsewhere do see the need of new ways of being the church. Actually the leadership of this “new denomination” refer to the work of God in their midst as a “movement” and not so much a new denomination. It is a movement as they say…. “that will produce flourishing congregations that make disciples of Jesus Christ.”

     I personally applaud this goal and hope and pray for the best for this new movement and may we all earnestly ask what new ways we can best serve God in our day.

                               God of Grace and God of glory,

                                  on Thy people pour Thy power!

                                                        Pastor Ron


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