Archive for September, 2011

“It may be hard….

September 13, 2011

“It may be hard in the face of human suffering to believe in God, but dismissing God simply leaves you alone with your pain… a ghastly loneliness.”

 As our church family marked the tenth anniversary of 9-11 this past Sunday, I found encouragement in the above words. Some people were and are ready to completely dismiss God in the midst of the horror of 9-11. For me personally all of it would simply be unbearable to do so. I cling to Emmanuel – God with us as a drowning person would to a life-saver. God with us demonstrating the unfathomable truth: “Nothing can separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ.” No – it does not take away the pain – it doesn’t take away the questions. It does give me the strength to go forward in a world that without God would be a place of “ghastly loneliness.”

 Grace and Peace,

Pastor Ron