Archive for May, 2011


May 20, 2011

The ball in this case is Jesus Christ – the person of Jesus Christ! This point was made repeatedly in the first class of a five-week series on the life and theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Our church family is blessed to have Dr. Merwyn Johnson of Union Presbyterian Seminary to lead us in this series. Hardly anyone would deny that our denomination is struggling to keep their “eye on the ball.” Personally I have to be very careful to not be distracted. There are so many who ask for your loyalty to their agendas which often seem to have more to do with cultural bias than biblical truth. Yes it is a difficult time for many in the PCUSA yet it does not begin to compare with the challenges many of those had who have gone before. For Bonhoeffer the very truth of Jesus Christ was at stake and he has left for us an example of what it means to “keep your eye on the ball.”

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Ron