An Invitation I Really Like…..

Our Church welcomes………….

“…those who are single, twice divorced, under 30, filthy rich, black and proud, poor as dirt, can’t sing, no habla ingles, married with pets, older than God, more Catholic than the Pope, workaholic, bad speller, screaming babies, three times divorced, passive-aggressive, obsessive-compulsive, doubters, bleeding hearts…..and you.”

This welcome comes from St. Pius X Catholic Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Our denomination makes a big deal out of being inclusive, and for me, this welcome makes it specific. Albemarle Road Presbyterian Church is a church that welcomes all. We have a big sign out in front of the church….

Come Sing! Pray! Eat!

Anyone – Everyone –

And we post the times we meet – it is not kept secret.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Ron


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