Archive for February, 2011

Today is February 3rd

February 3, 2011

 ….and I am preparing to celebrate the Service of Witness to the Resurrection for Polly. Polly lived to be 98 years old . A little ‘wisp’ of a woman that a puff of wind could have blown away, I will miss her!

– Every Sunday coming out of worship she would give me a hug and kiss.

– Always – ALWAYS a smile and a kind word.

– She exuded contentment of one who was at peace.

Polly lived out the truth Martin Luther spoke of for she was a woman of faith –

…faith as a vibrant and courageous confidence in God’s grace. This faith makes people joyful, bold, and happy in their relationship with God and with other people.

Thank you Polly for such a life so lived. Dear Folk, we are surrounded by “a great cloud of witnesses” such as Polly. Be of good courage!

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Ron