Archive for January, 2011

January 18 and I AGREE…..

January 18, 2011

      With a quote from Steven Furtick, pastor of Elevation Church (here in Charlotte), which was shared with me over dinner with some of our church’s younger members. It is….

If you’ve fallen into the trap of church-hopping, let me encourage you: Embrace your place somewhere God can use you. At the end of your life, God is not going to be impressed or pleased that you saw what God was doing at ten different churches. God is going to be more pleased that you were a part of what God was doing at one church.

With this in mind I celebrate the many young/old and in-between who have embraced Albemarle Road Presbyterian Church as the place where God can use them for God’s glory.

Our place: A diverse church in a multi-cultural community where God is doing something new.

I Am Thankful,

Pastor Ron

It’s January 7, 2011 and………

January 7, 2011


           – so I read recently on the internet in an article that described baby-boomers (of which I am one) as being typically much more stressed and depressed in the current economic/social climate. But I am not depressed and I cannot complain about the level of stress in my life. Who in any age group is not experiencing some degree of stress? I am grateful for this ability to weather the storms of life economic and otherwise. Thankful to God as the One who gives this ability to me. Not based on our own merit, it is available to all who will place simple trust in the God who created us. Let us hold on to a promise of God….

                  “I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord….

                  plans to give you hope and a future.”

                                                                              Jeremiah 29:11