Archive for March, 2010

March 11 – The Daffodils are blooming!

March 11, 2010

 I watch for them every year and I was especially eager to see them after this particular winter. On March 21, the fifth Sunday in Lent, we will also observe “Daffodil Sunday.” This is celebrated in many parts of our country but not so much in the southeast. Sponsored by the American Cancer Society, it is a day to remember and pray for those battling cancer. This year we will have a large bouquet of Daffodils in front of the sanctuary (from Martie White’s yard!) We will ask people to come forward and take a flower in special recognition of someone they know who is fighting cancer. Holding these flowers we will sing and pray.

 I have always loved Daffodils and now I have even more reason! Let us never forget that as the body of Christ we always seek to join hands with all who are battling against those realities that diminish God’s gift of life.

 Grace, Peace and Daffodils to you,

 Pastor Ron