Archive for February, 2010

Friday – February 26… IT’S COLD and……

February 26, 2010

 I am ready for spring! And there are signs of this season to come. Around the church campus the green blades of daffodils have pierced through the soil. This has been a long, difficult winter for many people around our country. How much more then will we welcome the warmth and beauty of spring.

 Some folk are in a winter season of their lives at this time. We all have them! If that is where we are, let us keep in mind and heart the words of Natalie Sleeth:

 In the bulb, there is a flower,

In the seed, an apple tree;

In cocoons, a hidden promise;

Butterflies will soon be free!

In the cold and snow of winter

There’s a spring that waits to be,

Unrevealed until its season,

Something God alone can see.

Hang in there!

 Grace and Peace,

 Pastor Ron

It’s Monday (!) February 15……

February 15, 2010

 Our ARPC family enjoyed a wonderful experience of worship yesterday – Valentine’s Day! We celebrated the steadfast love of the Lord which is the foundation of Hebrew-Christian faith. One of the children’s classes brought a Valentine for me during the Children’s Time of the worship hour. It reads “Jesus loves Rev. Ron.” I have it hanging on my office/study door for everyone to see.

The evening hours found our church family together for our annual Congregational Meeting. The Choir provided great food – the Praise Team, exuberant music; and there was superb leadership by our Business Administration Committee. The attendance was excellent!

I am privileged to serve a truly blessed congregation that strives to live and share the steadfast love of God.

 Happy Valentine’s!

 Rev. Ron