Advent Greetings!

We have begun our Advent journey at ARPC as we “hung’ the greens on the first Sunday of Advent. One of the most moving parts of this service is the hymn by Charles Wesley that we traditionally close this service with. The hymn is “Jesus Comes with Clouds Descending.” It is a powerful reminder that we are living between two Advents and that our Creator God is not finished with this world. A great completion is to come! Until that second great Advent we are to watch, pray and do what Jesus Christ did when He walked the dusty roads of Palestine some 2,000 years ago. That is we are to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, minister to the sick….

Sisters and brothers in Christ there is a future that God has awaiting us. It is a future that nothing can take from us – not even death! Therefore let us live according to the admonition of our Lord:                   “DO NOT BE AFRAID!”

 Grace and Peace,

 Pastor Ron


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