Archive for October, 2009

To all surrounded by the splendor of fall…

October 20, 2009

God speaks through fall’s colors and embraces us with beauty as God speaks through sisters and brothers in Christ who write books. Such a brother is Stephen Plunkett and his book Eight Truths Presbyterians Affirm. Dr. Plunkett reminded me of a truth I need to keep clearly in focus…..

“The church is God’s community, not ours. Sometimes, amid the squabbles of church life, we begin to think the church belongs to us – don’t we? – and that it is ours to manage as we choose. The Church of Jesus Christ belongs to no governing body, no pastor, no committee, and no ‘right’ way of thinking. The church was not crafted by a task force or by a General Assembly action. It is not the property of any denomination or the possession of any movement, whether it be tagged liberal or conservative, moderate or centrist, left-wing or right-wing. The church, wonder of wonders, is God’s possession, despite every wart and blemish that we humans bring to it. IT IS NOTHING LESS THAN THE REDEMPTIVE BODY OF JESUS CHRIST POURED OUT IN DIVINE LOVE FOR ALL CREATION.”

 These profound words remind me to celebrate the incomparable joy I have in Jesus Christ and in His Church. I encourage you (and myself) to let no one’s critique of the church diminish that joy.

 Grace and Peace,

 Pastor Ron