July Musings…

Dear Family of God at ARPC,

 The summer is sailing quickly along! I brought this to the attention of one of our public school teachers and she didn’t seem to want to be reminded! I am enjoying the summer a great deal. Have you noticed…..

 How beautiful the Crepe Myrtles are at the church?

 How great the garden-fresh tomatoes and cucumbers taste?

 Knowing that the season of summer quickly passes, I have been thinking about fall. There will be some changes/additions to our Sunday morning schedule at that time. I will be sending you a letter to share more fully about upcoming additions.

 Our new church directory is coming along well and our thanks to Cindy Eccleston, Ellen Roubaud, Jan Myers, Rosemary Nelson, and Carolyn Tansey! I told the photographer that my photo simply didn’t do me justice; and can you believe he replied…..

 “Preacher, you don’t need justice – you need mercy!”

 As Jack Benny used to say, “Well!……………”

 Know that I love you and look forward to seeing you in worship.

 Grace and Peace,

Pastor Ron


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